Introducing Teddy Bear Paintings

Think back to your first teddy bear. Can you remember? Sure you can.

The mystical essence of the common teddy bear is something that surrounds most of us during childhood and returns to us when we assign the memory.

The emotional value of these bears was something that was weighing on me. And so I painted them.

Each one has a name. Each one is individual. 

Painting animal-themes in the fantastic realm is a subject matter that calls to me. The idiosyncratic nature and the heart of animals that deserve so much respect and compassion is undeniable. And, honestly it's so much fun for me to flex my abstract technique within the confines of this timeless structure. I love painting reef fish as we learned in my last post. And Mermaids (sort of an animal— well... HALF animal) signifiy a vital reminder to life and renewal. 
Sometimes I like to impress upon people indirectly. I find that by taking the side entrance, my audience can draw their own conclusions and significance of what something means to them. 

Recently, I was fortunate enough to explore this with Teddy Bears! 

Check out my brand new Collection here. 
Soooo, which ones you're favourite?

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